Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Gradient Mesh

Bite Me 

Gradient mesh is a tool used in illustrator that allows the user to create a replica of a common item by turning it into a virtual illustration. The use of different colors and shadows helps to give the item dimension and a 3D quality. For this piece, I decided to recreate an apple. The particular apple that I chose had many colors and highlights which was perfect for my first piece.

At first, this project was very difficult for me but after a while, I began to get the hang of it. Considering that this is my first time creating a piece like this, I am very proud of the work that I have produced. Perfecting the colors was a bit challenging but moving forward I will make sure that I create a color palette ahead of time to produce even higher quality work.

Apple I used for Inspiration:


  1. I did an apple too, but your turned out way better. Good job!

  2. For knowing exactly how hard gradient mesh is, this is really good. The lighting and the highlight on the apple are perfect.
