Tuesday, January 29, 2019

So... Who Invented the Internet and the Web?

Everyone loves the internet. It's a tool that is used daily in one way or another to gather and or share information. A common misconception is that the internet and the web are the same thing.

 The best way to describe the internet is to think of it as a network of multiple different networks combined. When computers are connected to the internet it allows people from all over the world are able to communicate through the internet. Vint Cerf and Robert E. Kahn are the two names that are thought of when someone is asked who was responsible for creating the internet.

The difference between the internet and the web is that the web is made up of all the information and resources that users need. Websites or webpages are what make up the web and they make a way for information to be located. Sir Tim Berners and Robert Cailliau are the creators of the world wide web. They created the invention in 1990 and in 1989 they began planning for the creation of the hypertext systems that we commonly use today.

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